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The Art of Medicine
Indicative & Therapeutic Services
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3CS practices the Art of Medcine.  We provide a wide range of therapeutic and patient centric treatment plans. 3CS comprimises of a multi-disciplinary team working to achieve quality patient outcomes.

The driving force behind 3CS is Dr A Coetzee with other 30 years of clinical experience in private practice both locally and internationally. Dr Coetzee has been involved in a number of  task teams and is involved with medical aids in advising of primary healthcare policies.
 Consultations Hours:
Monday : 09h00 - 19h00
Tuesday: 09h00 - 19h00
Wednesday: 09h00 -18h00
Thursday: 09h00 -16h00
Friday: 09h00 - 16h00
Saturday - 09h00 - 12h30
Sunday - 09h00 - 12h30
Public Holiday - Closed
Contact Us:
E-mail: info@clinicalcare.co.za
Contact: 012 331 3621
969 15th Ave Wonderboom South
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